Who Are The Real Kenyan Heroes For Sure?

The burning question in Kenya is who are the real Mashujaa or heroes. When Kenya got its so called independence, those who fought the British colonialists were the deadlocked members of the Mau Mau freedom fighters.

Dedan Kimathi, who was the undisputed leader of the Mau Mau was deadlocked. After flag independence, there was not even a single member of the dreadlocked Mau Mau who sat in government. Instead, Kenyatta made sure that he either killed all members of the Mau Mau or ostracized them after they were labeled “terrorists” by British colonialists.

Today, the real freedom fighters like Dedan Kimathi are not even mentioned. Kimathi’s grave has never been found so no one knows where his remains are yet Mashujaa day continue to be celebrated.

The late Shujaa Dedan Kimathi: No one knows where his remains are buried

That is why the question as to who are the Mashujaa needs to be raised over and over again. Well known opportunists in the political playing ground continue to be elevated to the level of Mashujaa while the real Mashujaa (deceased and alive) continue to starve because they have no means of livelihood.

Worse still, those who are not even supposed to be elevated to the level of “Shujaa” (like the “githeri man” who became a Shujaa because he was photographed carrying a jwala of githeri) continue to enjoy the title. Has the Kenyan politician who define Mashujaa become this mediocre?

Chris Msando, the brave Manager of IEBC who was allegedly killed at the behest of William Ruto to make Uhuru Kenyatta president through election rigging, is one Kenyan who deserves the title of 2shujaa” but he has never been crowned.

Under the circumstances, Kenyans must re-visit the issue of Mahujaa regardless of how long it takes. The list of true Kenyans heroes will have to be constantly re-written because the country must be honest with its history.

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